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Agriculture Information

For questions, call (610) 377-4894


Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program

The Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program provides financial and technical assistance for the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) on agricultural operations in the Commonwealth.

Do you apply manure or agricultural process wastewater?

Every farm in Pennsylvania that land applies manure or agricultural process wastewater (generated on the farm or received from an importer), regardless of size, is required to have and implement a written Manure Management Plan. This includes manure and agricultural process wastewater application by various types of equipment and/or direct application of manure by animals on pastures and in Animal Concentration Areas (ACAs). In other words, farms that do not mechanically apply manure but which do have pastures or ACAs still need a manure management plan. Click the image below to access the Manure Management Guidance Plan.

Agricultural Erosion & Sedimentation Control

Pennsylvania regulations for agriculture require that Best Management Practices (BMPs) be implemented to prevent accelerated erosion and sedimentation to waters of this Commonwealth from agricultural plowing or tilling activities, and Animal Heavy Use Areas (AHUAs), including activities that disturb less than 5,000 square feet. When those activities total 5,000 square feet or greater, Pennsylvania regulations require the development and implementation of a written Agricultural Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (Ag E&S Plan) to minimize the potential for accelerated erosion and sedimentation. The Department’s goal is to ensure that all agricultural operations in Pennsylvania have written Ag E&S Plans, where applicable, and that those plans are implemented.

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Carbon County Farmland Preservation

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